by Ken Seaney | Aug 20, 2016
The new Google search results page for desktop has caused a bit of a stir since it rolled out in February 2016. While once featuring three Google AdWords pay-per-click (PPC) ads at the top of the page and multiple ones down the right-hand side of the page, things have changed quite a bit. They have wiped out the ads on the right-hand side and there are now four ad spots at the top at three ad spots at the bottom of the page. In fact, Google will only show three ads at the top unless it’s a highly-commercial inquiry, which in that case, it will show four. So the total number of possible ads in any given search has been reduced from 11 to down to 7 at the most. Besides making the page appear a lot more basic, this has also left marketers wondering how it will affect them. Organic Search Is Affected Not only does this shrink the potential advertising space, but it also pushes the organic results farther down the page. Therefore, search engine optimization (SEO) is more important than ever before. Companies that want their websites to show up on the first page of the results will have to work a lot harder to grab and secure one of the limited spots for long-term success. Paid Search Has Become A Lot More Competitive Due to the fact that several Google AdWords ad spots have been dropped, the fight for the top four available spaces just became even more important. In order to stay ahead of the competition, businesses are now going to have...
by Ken Seaney | Aug 19, 2016
Thinking of focusing more of your marketing efforts on local search but you’re not sure if it’s worthwhile? Consumers have been using the internet to search for information for well over a decade. Search engines have revolutionized the way we handle everyday life. During this journey, location-based searching has shown steady growth as well. Location-based searching is the practice of searching for a product, service, or business based on location. Couple this with the fact that mobile usage has grown exponentially in recent years, you can only image how this has impacted the level of local searches performed by consumers. Both local and mobile consumer buying habits have had significant impacts on the marketing world and are becoming more popular as time goes on. Here are some statistics you may not know and what they mean for your feild: Most local consumers use local information in ads Google actually carried out a survey into local search behavior and the results showed over 60% of consumers wanted ads to be customized based upon their location. Around 61% prefer ads that are customized to their exact location, while 67% want them to be customized to include at least their zip code and city. So what does this mean? It means your business needs to ensure that the ads you place are extremely targeted by making uses of location extensions. Nearly 70% Of Consumers Use “Call” Or “Get Directions” If you’re wondering just how important it is to list your phone number and address, this statistic clears it up. With this amount of smartphone users claiming to use...
by Ken Seaney | Aug 12, 2016
Online marketing, also known as “e-Marketing, Digital Marketing, Internet Marketing,” as well as other terms translates into “advertising online or on the web.” There’s no disputing that it is a valuable tool when it comes to bringing business owners and consumers together. However, as a business owner, you may be wondering if it is truly worth the investment. Online Marketing is Effective The sole purpose of successful online marketing is to utilize a campaign strategy at the lowest possible cost and risk investment, while maximizing sales potential and profit. However, just having a website does not work anymore. Whether your business is an e-commerce company or a traditional brick and mortar business, with the right visibility and exposure, you can generate more online traffic, increasing sales and profit. Online marketing costs much less in comparison with most other marketing strategies. Moreover, online marketing allows you to target your efforts all the way down to specific demographics, which no other type of advertising or marketing can accomplish. Online marketing also allows consumers to research and purchase your products and services at their own leisure, which is appealing to most consumers. Having a solid online presence allows them to do just that – putting them one step closer to doing business with you. If you want statistics, online marketing lets you measure them very easily. Practically all elements of an online marketing campaign can be traced and tested in some form, including: Email Open Rates and Conversion Rates Website Traffic and Activity Social Traffic and Activity Video Views and Activity PPC (Pay Per Click) Results … and much more Web...
by Ken Seaney | Aug 11, 2016
When it comes to social media marketing, establishing good communication between you and your followers is pertinent in driving your business forward in today’s competitive market. Depending on the type of business you run, there are different methods you can use to start conversations that will ultimately generate new business. While there are numerous ways to start successful conversations, the key is doing it in a way that supports your business goals. The following are a few basic tips you can use to get the ball rolling towards meaningful connections with your social media followers. Establish a Human Connection Unfortunately, with today’s technology, the use of robotic responses has caused many people to feel like just another “sale.” Because of this, establishing that you truly are a living, breathing human being goes a long way towards gaining trust amongst your followers. There was a time when addressing your audience by their first names or posting pictures was enough to show that you are real; however, that is no longer the case. While you can still use these methods, the trick is to verify that a person actually posted them. You can do this by making a comment on a posted picture saying when and where it was taken, commenting on the current weather in your area, or just sharing normal day-to-day experiences in your business that people will relate to. If you can do all of these things, your followers, in their natural tendency to move towards human companionship, will leave comments in response to your posts. As a result, you show them that you are indeed a...
by Ken Seaney | Aug 9, 2016
You probably already know how important reviews are in terms of marketing your products and services. They break down the barriers your potential customers may have when trying to decide whether or not to do business with you. Reviews and testimonials can bring in a lot of credibility, which ultimately results in higher conversions and more revenue. Whether you’re a dentist, handyman, attorney, chiropractor, electrician, or other local services company, it is important to build up a certain level of trust with your prospects – and reviews can help you do just that. In other words, they bring an incredible level of profitability that businesses cannot afford to ignore. Maybe you already have some glowing reviews and are wondering how to get more eyes on them. This is key. Here are three places you can show them off for maximum exposure. 1. Your website Displaying customer reviews on your actual website will really help draw in sales because these prospects are obviously already interested in your business. So putting your customer reviews and testimonials where they can clearly see them will only work to your benefit. Ideally, you should have a testimonials page, but don’t be shy about posting a few of them on your home page and other pages as well. 2. Social Media It’s hardly surprising that displaying your reviews on social media is going to give you ultimate exposure. With millions of visitors every day, these sites give you the opportunity to show off your ratings to a massive number of people. Take Facebook for example. If you go to the ‘about’ section on...
by Ken Seaney | Aug 4, 2016
A website is made up of three essential components: URL/Hosting, graphics/design, and written content. Many website creators are preoccupied with aesthetics and have a keen eye for design, but not nearly as much concern and dedication is invested in the content. While design is quite important, as it sets the tone and highlights the professionalism of your brand, it is paramount that your content gets at least an equal amount of attention. Written content reigns supreme when it comes to your brand. It is the most difficult aspect of your website to flesh out, and can sometimes be an overwhelming undertaking. Here are some ways in which content makes the biggest difference. Attract the Search Engines The most impressive design on your website will never suffice in convincing Google that you have outdone the competition if you do not actually say anything. Above all else, search engines are driven by written content. When they crawl your page, they scan your text, searching it for quality, probing for links and relevant articles. Search engines crave information that is pertinent to search terms, which is why keywords are the hallmark of your content. Having a lot of content, and ensuring it is rife with relevant information, is vital in achieving the organic rank necessary to drive the most traffic to your website. Tell Your Story There is no need to become over-involved in SEO jargon and lingo. What matters more than anything is that your content is written in a way that your guests, clients, and prospects find useful and helpful. When you are writing the About Us...