by Alyssa Seaney | Jul 27, 2016
How to Set up your Google Plus page Google Plus is a social media site like none other. Unlike Facebook or Twitter, you’re able to have an account specifically for your business that is free to interact with and sell to your customers. You can seek out people that have similar interests as your brand and connect with them. You can easily share content, updates, promotions, and photos of your business or of content that relates to both the users and you. Why is this important? The more you share, the more your content is seen, and the more it can be shared to others that can connect to you. This can be done through Communities, adding +1 buttons, and making use of the social media platform to help your business be favored by Google. Communities are pages of a specific subject that you can manage where both you and the followers can post content to. By followers posting and sharing content under your community, you can guarantee your posts will be seen by even more users. Another way to keep people connecting to you is including a Google +1 button on your site. According to Hubspot, people are 3.5 times more likely to find and view your Google+ than if you didn’t. Better than that, the more you use those circles and connections, the more you’re prioritized on google. This will do wonders to your search engine results and get you ranking high. Yes it is another social media site to keep track of and, yes, it seems odd, but out of all of them, this one...