by Ken Seaney | Oct 7, 2016
With so many different kinds of videos out there and many places to display them, how do you know which kind would work best for your business? In this article I will try to explain a few different types for you so you can make your own decision on what may work for your company and get the biggest return on your investment. Introduction or Welcome Videos These are great to introduce yourself, explain what it is that you do, and even show your facilities to new and prospective customers. How-to Tutorial or Explainer Videos These are quite popular and a great way to show that you are an authority or an expert by showing the audience how to fix, maintain or identify a problem. They can also be used to show (explain) complex concepts, processes and ideas very simply. Photo Slideshows Probably the simplest video to make or have done photo slideshow videos showing you, your team, your store or even the work you do can be very effective. Customer Reviews and Testimonials Word-of-mouth or personal recommendations are great, but having an enthusiastic, happy customer tell about their experience in a video can be great for your business. They don’t need to be the highest quality - cell phone and webcam videos can work well if the person is believable. Webinars & Presentations You can record a presentation or a speech you’ve done as a video and put it up on your site. Even live webinars can be recorded for playback later. Interviews or Q&A With this type of video, you have someone asking questions and you talk about...