9 Reasons to Hire a Digital Marketing Agency

9 Reasons to Hire a Digital Marketing Agency

Your time is valuable. You know that marketing online can help you achieve more sales and maybe you have a plan you’ve already implemented. This video gives a brief overview on why you may want to consider using a digital marketing agency to help you instead of doing it yourself, keeping you from putting time towards other important parts of your...
9 Tips for Creating Attention-Grabbing Business Cards

9 Tips for Creating Attention-Grabbing Business Cards

Business cards are a tried-and-true method of marketing your business. It’s marketing and promotional material that almost every business owner has, but often doesn’t use to its fullest potential. The first step to using a business card right is to create one that you’re proud to show to people.   Hire a Graphic Designer The best way to create an attention-grabbing business card is to hire a graphic designer who has experience creating business cards. They’re going to give you your best results and something you can be confident in. You can still use any printer you want once the card is designed. If you can’t find one locally, try looking nationally to find a contractor.   Use Color Correctly You want to use the colors that are associated with your logo and your brand, but you may need to use them differently to make them readable on a small business card. Try out different arrangements to see what works best.   Use Readable Fonts If your font is not readable, then the card is useless. Print a test from a sample on your own computer to find out if it’s readable before getting 100 cards printed. Typically, if you can read it okay that way, then it’ll look even better after being printed professionally.   Answer the Right Questions The recipient of the card should be able to tell who, why, where, what, and how to do business with the card owner. If people don’t know what you do by looking at the card, then the card is useless without you being there. You want them to know...
9 Quick Benefits of Using Promotional Materials

9 Quick Benefits of Using Promotional Materials

Promotional materials, also called premiums, are products that have your logo and/or tag line on them. People use them, wear them, and give them away, while spreading the word about your business. They can be used in numerous ways from sponsorships, to gifts, to surprise inclusions with a purchase.   Expand Brand Recognition Having people wear and use merchandise with your logo on it will increase the number of people who notice your brand. When a friend has on a hat with your logo on it, they may check out your business and even buy something.   Relatively Low-Cost Advertising TV advertising can be expensive, depending on where you live, but promotional products aren’t that expensive when you consider the benefits. You can sponsor a sports team inexpensively and all the parents will see this logo every game and when doing their laundry. It will keep you at the top of their mind.   Great Business Card Replacements Business cards are a very important piece of branding. But, if you really want to stand out at your next event, instead of handing out business cards, hand out key chains, book marks, t-shirts, hats, balls, bumper stickers, or USB drives. People will remember you because you’ll likely be the only one doing it.   People Like Touching Something In today’s digital world, getting something that can be touched is a revelation. It feels good to touch something that’s real instead of only looking at digital things.   Consumers Keep Promotional Materials When you give usable and targeted items to your audience, they will keep them and use them. This means...
Get More Traffic, Leads and Clients With SEO and PPC

Get More Traffic, Leads and Clients With SEO and PPC

In this video we explain what SEO and PPC mean and how they can impact web traffic to your website and your business. If your current online advertising isn’t getting the results you want or expected, give us a call. We offer free analysis of your current Adwords campaigns and can almost always find ways to make your ads more effective and save you money. Give us a call today at 541-210-9521 or email...
3 Tips to Help Your Business Show Up in Google’s 3-Pack

3 Tips to Help Your Business Show Up in Google’s 3-Pack

The change from Google’s 7-pack, to a reduced 3-pack has had a major impact on local SEO. Many businesses struggled to get featured when there were seven spots available. Now getting into the top three can seem like rocket science. The good news is that this goal is not impossible. However, it does take time, skills, and knowledge to get it done. Being seen by local consumers just as they’re searching for your type of product or service is the most targeted type of marketing known today. But getting there can be tricky unless you really know what you’re doing. To help you get started down the right path, here are three helpful tips:   1. Get more citations When it comes to ranking your local listing, one thing Google pays close attention to is how often a company is mentioned in other sources. In other words, it looks for “citations” to validate your business. A citation is a mention of your business name along with another piece of business information anywhere on the web – with OR without a link back to your website. The additional information could be your phone number, website URL, or physical address – combined or individual. In order to count as a citation, the information must be an EXACT match to the information on your Google My Business listing. Citations help prove to the search engines that you are a real company; therefore, the more of them you have from quality sources, the better your local listing rankings will be.   2. Add photos to your listings It’s no secret that consumers love...
3 Local Marketing Stats And What They Mean For Your Business

3 Local Marketing Stats And What They Mean For Your Business

Thinking of focusing more of your marketing efforts on local search but you’re not sure if it’s worthwhile? Consumers have been using the internet to search for information for well over a decade. Search engines have revolutionized the way we handle everyday life. During this journey, location-based searching has shown steady growth as well. Location-based searching is the practice of searching for a product, service, or business based on location. Couple this with the fact that mobile usage has grown exponentially in recent years, you can only image how this has impacted the level of local searches performed by consumers. Both local and mobile consumer buying habits have had significant impacts on the marketing world and are becoming more popular as time goes on. Here are some statistics you may not know and what they mean for your feild:   Most local consumers use local information in ads   Google actually carried out a survey into local search behavior and the results showed over 60% of consumers wanted ads to be customized based upon their location. Around 61% prefer ads that are customized to their exact location, while 67% want them to be customized to include at least their zip code and city. So what does this mean? It means your business needs to ensure that the ads you place are extremely targeted by making uses of location extensions.   Nearly 70% Of Consumers Use “Call” Or “Get Directions”   If you’re wondering just how important it is to list your phone number and address, this statistic clears it up. With this amount of smartphone users claiming to use...

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